Tips For A Successful Fashion Show

fashion show event venue with sound & lighting

If you have ever heard of Paris or New York Fashion Week, you know that hosting a successful fashion show is a huge ordeal. If you haven’t, then let's review what a fashion show is and what the purpose of fashion shows are. A fashion show is an opportunity for an artist to exhibit their new pieces and collections. Fashion shows can help designers gain exposure and new clientele, as well as create content for the brand to be used in future efforts. They can also be a lot of fun and very entertaining for spectators who appreciate the world of fashion.

How to host a fashion show?

1. Book a Fashion Show Venue

When it comes to fashion event planning, the first thing you will want to decide on is the venue where you will host the event. The fashion show space will set the stage for the entire production and you will want to make sure it matches your vision. Are you envisioning luxury event venues? Or something grittier and more industrial to give your event some edge? These are things you will want to consider as you’re looking at event spaces.

2. Choose a Theme

Next, you will want to choose a theme. Deciding on the venue first, can help bring your theme and vision to life based on the space where you will host the fashion show. A lot of times when it comes to fashion shows, designers will let the collections and pieces tell a story, which the theme inspirational when it comes from the clothing itself. This can be a great creative outlet when it comes to representing the designer.

3. Invite Your Guests

Now you will want to decide on your guest list and send out invitations. Who is your target audience for this event? Is it a large event with a long guest list or something more intimate? Once you have decided on that, you will want to give your guests enough time in advance to add it to their calendars, but not too much time where they forget about the event altogether. We recommend 4-6 weeks before the event.

4. Hire Professionals

You will want to make sure you are hiring event professionals that know what they are doing. This will ensure your event is successful and looks professional. This goes for the entire staff, from the models walking the runway and the makeup artists providing the glam, to the people running the lights and the AV tech playing the music. When the staff is experienced, everything operates smoothly and according to plan.

5. Set the Mood with Lighting & Sound

When you look at venues, you will want to make sure they have sound and lighting capabilities. At Ovation Square, we are the perfect event space for fashion shows in LA because we have a state of the art stage, complete with lighting, AV and sound. This is important when you are hosting the event so it looks professional and well done.

6. Outfit Backup Options

When planning a fashion show, it is always important to plan for the mishaps along the way such as a garment not fitting correctly or an unforeseen tear. We always recommend having outfit backup options so you’re not stuck in a pinch. This will give you more flexibility with outfit looks and to mitigate risk.

7. Afterparty

Finally, the fun doesn’t have to stop after the fashion show ends. You can always throw an afterparty with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres to keep the party going. The afterparty can be an extension of the show or you can make it vibey and casual to finish out the night.

We would be more than happy to host your next fashion show at Ovation Square. Located in downtown Long Beach, we are in the perfect central location between Orange County and Los Angeles, with a stunning venue perfect for hosting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many outfit backup options should I have?

A: We recommend being able to change out outfits at least 5-8 times in case of mistakes. This will help ensure you have backup plans if anything were to happen.

Q: Is an afterparty necessary?

A: Not at all. There are plenty of fashion shows that end after the last model walks, but an afterparty can be a fun way to keep the night going.

Q: What if I’m not sure what theme to choose?

A: We say let your clothing speak for itself. The theme can come naturally if you base it off of your pieces and collections so the whole show flows seamlessly.


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